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I have two adorable, smart, witty, and loving boys. This blog is pretty much about them -- and maybe a little extra here and there.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Mother of the year award and a hopsital stay.

My poor Drew. Thursday, the 17th of December, I went to change Drew into his clothes for a his school play and noticed what seemed to be two small little bumps around his shoulder area. They looked like two small sores or bug bites. I covered them up with a band aid and we went about our night. The next morning they looked some bigger, but in the rush of the morning I didn't pay that much attention to them. Well by Saturday, Drew was uncomfortable and wouldn't let you touch his arm - but in true Drew fashion, he went on about his day playing. We decided to take his band aids off and let his arm air dry, as there seemed to be some puss around the bumps, and it seemed to be an area that was larger than the day before. Well, by Sunday it had started to spread and spread. Monday I took him into the doctor. (Insert Mother of the Year Award here - since I should have taken him in on Saturday or to the ER on Sunday.) Our pediatrician looked at it and consulted with another Doctor where they decided we were to go to the Backus Children's Hospital - straight to the 3rd floor... Nice, right? Here is a picture of his arm at the doctors office - 3 days after noticing 2 small bumps the size of a pin head. Poor thing - he even started to get some places on his wrist, leg, and forehead.
Even though he wasn't feeling good - he still got a picture with his Mommy while we waited on our hospital orders.

The IV wasn't fun. I think, personally, they shouldn't have the parents step away, instead of trying to assist in the "holding down of your child" part of trying to get the IV in his little hand.

Cleaning of the area wasn't fun either - but they always managed to bring him some sort of toy, hat, or sticker to have.
The walls at the hospital were really neat. Drew said "take my picture with the shooting star, Mom."

On the second day of our stay, they allowed Drew to visit their play room! He loved it!

They brought him a Wii to his room to play. A local ice cream shop also stopped by to give out hats and ice cream. Yummmmm!!

They also had therapy Dogs that came around a few times. He loved them!

We spent 3 days in the hospital. They released us knowing that it was positive for staph infection. Although at that time we didn't know the type of staph, the area was looking better so they released us with round the clock meds ( and I mean at 1am and 3am - yawn!). Then on Christmas Even (2 days later) I had to take Dylan in because he had 2 spots that came up. Lord, Help Me! Well, they have him a topical antibiotic. By Thursday, the 30th, we found out that it was MRSA Staph. MRSA Staph - IS NO LAUGH!


  1. OH my goodness!! You guys have really been through it. So glad things are looking up!!
    Our thoughts and prayers are with you!
