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I have two adorable, smart, witty, and loving boys. This blog is pretty much about them -- and maybe a little extra here and there.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Wild Wild West

Today we crossed the Columbia River, went to Washington State, and went to Cape Disappointment. We visited the Lighthouse there and learned all about the Lewis & Clark adventure. The hike was beautiful. I said a few times, why am I in Georgia? I am in love with the West. A few pictures of Dylan..


A picture from the trail...see I told you it was beautiful!

The lighthouse at Cape Dissapointment

Mom & Dad

Five of the six cousins

Another view from where the lighthouse sits

Going to the Pacific Ocean
Drew and a slug..

Dylan the Explorer

Drew the Drummer

Dylan & Mom

I loved this sign.

This U S Coast Guard boat was over 100 years old.

After we left Cape Dissapointment we had the opportunity to go horseback riding on the beach.
This horse loved Dylan .. he kept trying to nibble on him.

Drew was playing peek-a-boo with the horse.

Drew & I were on one horse together. I snapped this picture of us since I couldn't get a picture of us on the acutal horse.

Our horse was "Cloudy"... she was a very sweet horse, although she didn't like being behind other horses.

Dylan's horse was "Jupiter." Dylan is a natural, so one of the leaders told me.

The Pacific Ocean
Dad on his horse. When asked how Dad liked it, he said "well, it was just another horse ride." Typical Cowboy.. :)

After we got back from horseback riding, we ate dinner, and went to the swimming pool in our hotel. They also have a hot tub which is nice for all the sore muscles I have from climbing, hiking, etc. After we were in our room, I snapped this picture of the sunset. Ahhh, Oregon, I am in love with you!


  1. Lovely Pics! Fabulous Day! I am so thankful you are able to explore with me!

    I just sent some pics of you on your horse! :)

  2. Love the pictures!! Thanks so much for telling us you are on.
    You are absolutely beautiful!!

  3. She is beautiful! And, she delights in putting bad pics of me up apparently. I asked her what about the picture that she has of both of us that I liked. She said, "I didn't look good in it!" (rolling my eyes!)
